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ESG Bond

ShinhanCard issued ESG bonds to increase social value, support vulnerable class, create jobs, attain eco-friendly improvement, and underpin the development of renewable energy.

ShinhanCard’s standard management system for ESG bonds is in conformity with the 4 major key elements, such as Green Bond Principles (June 2018) set forth by the International Capital Market Association, Social Bond Principles (June 2018), and Sustainability Bond Guidelines (June 2018).

ShinhanCard disburses financial resources, created by issuance of green, social, and sustainable bonds, to each fund to provide support to the planned projects in respective fields. Departments in charge of planned projects examine the consistency of concerned project model with Shinhan Financial Group’s mission of 'warmhearted finance that opens up the future together'. ShinhanCard was provided with the verification opinion from independent external specialized organizations.

ShinhanCard will proceed vigorously with the proactive social responsibility management for the furtherance of the environmental and social sustainability of financial business while carrying out the essential duty of financial business faithfully to have a positive influence on the society.

Shinhan Financial Group

SDG Financing

Shinhan Card

2022 ESG Bond
Annual Reporting
2021 ESG Bond
Annual Reporting
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